Lost Plants

Blessings Darlings!

I just added up what my garden has lost to the drought so far…………

One blueberry bush.
4 out of 6 transplanted Swiss Chard (I was just trying to add to the one’s that survived the winter.)
Two out of 10 sweet peppers.
All but 4 of the carrots seeded (probably around 45 lost)
All but 30 of the turnips seeded) probably around 20 lost.
All but 1 of the beets seeded (around 50 lost).
All the radishes seeded.

I’m currently harvesting … Continue reading…

Drought. And a damned Plantar Wart.

Blessings darlings!

I have a little time to blog today, since I’m off my feet – well, off one of my feet – due to a plantar wart that is making it very painful to walk.   It’s a shock how it went from Nothing to Can’t Walk without PAIN in under 7 days!  Urgent Care couldn’t treat it (no liquid nitrogen), and getting an appointment with either my doctor or my husband’s dermatologist (where I’d be a low-priority ‘new patient’) can take forEVER.  So I’m doing the OTC treatment the Doc in the Box and I discussed and am off …

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Freya’s Cats

 The subject of Freya’s cats came up recently on social media, so I wanted to share this excerpt from my forthcoming book Pagan Portals Freya. I hope this may clarify some points, as this summarizes the information we have from the older sources and may help people differentiate between new ideas and stories and the older beliefs. Cats –
Freya is said to travel in a chariot pulled by two cats,…

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All of My Fairy Writing

  I’ve been asked several times about what I’ve written on fairies by people looking into my writing on the subject. I finally decided it would just be easier to write a quick bit here about it. I’m including articles, presentations, and books. I am not including the range of my blog material on Living Liminally or on Patheos Agora: Irish-American Witchcraft or Witches&Pagans On the Fairy Road. (…

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Planting by days off, not by the moon

Blessings Darlings!

It was a day off of my ‘paying’ job today, so it was all about resting and garden work.  By ‘garden work’ I mean I planted more sprouting seeds in real soil and started hardening the plants off.  I can’t work in the actual garden because we have a drought going on here at this time, and if I want to do anything with the garden I’ll have to water it before I can work the earth.

While I never like to … Continue reading…

Bad Meme: Beltane Edition

 Several years ago I had done a few posts seeking to clarify confusion around popular things on social media relating to specific pagan holidays including Yule, Samhain, and ‘Ostara’. I’ve never done one for Bealtaine mostly because I haven’t seen a huge amount of misinformation about it being shared around. That is starting to change, at least a bit, so today I thought I’d tackle a couple of…

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Current List of All My Published Work





Ritual for the Ocean Waters”, Circle Magazine issue 109 summer 2011

Gaelic View of Samhain”, Celtic Guide, vol. 1 issue 10 Oct. 2012

“Celebrating Imbolc with the Family”, Air n-Aithesc, vol.1 issue 1, Feb.

“The Witch, the Bean Feasa, and the Fairy Doctor in Irish Culture”. Air
n-Aithesc, vol. 1 issue 2, Aug. 2014

“Finding the…

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Easter! Time for Necromancy!

Blessings Darlings!

Five days ago was western Easter Sunday.  On that day, I attended a class (at Between the Worlds/Sacred Space) by Christopher Orapello on Necromancy.  Yes, the folks running that conference UNDOUBTEDLY chose that scheduling.  Yes, I’m sure that …

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Ask Me Anything – fiction

 Its been a while since I did an Ask Me Anything style blog and also a while since I wrote about my fiction so I thought that would be fun to do today. I’ve collected some questions from social media and am answering them here for everyone. Feel free to add additional questions in the comments if you’d like. Nicole: What’s your favorite fictional book that you have written?My answer: That’s…

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Theosophy’s Impact on the Pagan View of Fairies

 Note: In this piece I’m going to be making some generalizations which may not apply to all neopagans but which do hold true for a majority that I have looked into. A main influence on the neopagan view of fairies, which is rarely acknowledged, is theosophy and more particularly the writings of Helena Blavatsky. Blavatsky herself is a controversial figure, accused of rampant plagiarism by her…

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