Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky

Celebrating Samhain

I’ve blogged about this before, but several people have asked this year so here is how I celebrate Samhain:(…)

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The Taking of the Sidhe

Why do we offer to the Gods and daoine sidhe?

Not hard to say. When the sons of Mil defeated the Tuatha De Danann the land was divided between the two, with the Milesians taking what was above the earth and the Tuatha De taking(…)

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Reconstructing Celtic Seership

Other people, including Erynn Rowan Laurie have been working on reconstructing Celtic seership practices for far longer than I have, and I highly recommend(…)

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Patrons and Priestesshood

Recently I was reading John Beckett’s essay “Hearing the Call” and I think he raises several good points about the way that modern pagans approach(…)

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I was reading a blog by Nimue Brown that discusses uncertainty, something which for me is the only constant. I believe that the quest for truth, the(…)

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Flidais with Me

I signed on to contribute to an anthology about Goddesses and I had wanted to write about Flidais – I had actually begun thinking about what I would say and how, and had decided to tell the personal details of my experience with Flidais earlier(…)

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Making Your Own Tools

I constantly go back and forth about whether its better to make your own ritual supplies and tools or buy them. On the one hand making your own is an amazing experience and creates a feeling of connection to the things you use like nothing else.(…)

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The Message of Dian Cecht and Miach

“In that battle, moreover, Nuada’s hand was stricken off—it was Sreng son of Sengann that struck it off him— so Dian-cecht the leech put on him a hand of silver with the motion of every hand; and Credne the brazier was helping the leech.”(…)

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Honoring Difficult Ancestors

Ancestor worship* is a common practice in Heathenry and many types of Reconstructionism, but I have noticed an interesting thing; people like to worship the ancestors that they liked and are quick to repudiate those they did’t. I’m not talking(…)

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The Idises

“Once the Idisi set forth, to this place and that;
Some fastened fetters; some hindered the horde,
Some loosed the bonds from the brave —
Leap forth from the fetters! Escape from the foes!” (…)

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