Of the four Irish fire festivals Imbolc is the most family oriented, although it does also have wider community aspects. Celebrating Imbolc as a modern Irish polytheist, or indeed any Celtic polytheist drawn to this holiday, is an opportunity to involve the entire family, especially children, in the traditions. While we don’t have any surviving information about the ancient ways that this day was celebrated we do have a plethora of native traditions to draw on, with the role of saint Brigit and the pagan Goddess Brighid often blurred and easily shifted fully into paganism. With some slight alteration all of these traditions can be celebrated by any pagan family to honor Imbolc and the holiday’s main deity, Brighid.
Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky
A Bit More Translation
“Fo-ceird Cú Chuluinn bedg ina charpat feissin íarum. Naicc ní i nneoch íarum in mnaí nach in carpat nach in n-ech nach in fer nach in mbuin ocus co n-faco-sium íarum ba hén-si dub forsin chroíb ina farrud.”
A Prayer to an Cailleach During Storms
[Out of respect to the author, no snippet will be provided. Please click through to the original post to view the uncut prayer.]
The Morrigan and Plans for 2015
I’m sure many of you would rather see more translation here, and don’t worry I’ll get some more done soon. I’m working on a new manuscript at the moment which is taking up some time, but hopefully next week I’ll get to some of the other fun untranslated bits of the Cath Maige Tuired…
Verifying Practical UPG
So a common question in relation to upg* is how to know if the gnosis you get is good or not. A basic rule of thumb is to take the information you get and double check it, whether that’s checking it against mythology or other types of fact checking.
Translating – The Morrigan’s Prophecy part 2
Today I want to take a look at the second half of the Morrigan’s prophecy after the battle of Moytirra, which Gray does offer a translation for, but with significant sections excluded:Boí-si íarum oc taircetul deridh an betha ann beus ocus oc tairngire cech uilc nobíad ann, ocus cech teadma ocus gach díglau; conid ann rocachain an laíd-se sís:
an Slua Sí
Whenever the subject of the fairies comes up it is best to remember that they are not the twee little things of pop culture. Even among the diverse groups of fairies though some deserve more caution and respect than others. One group that was particularly feared is the slua sí, the fairy host.
Book giveaway for new novel "Into the Twilight"
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Into the Twilight
by Morgan Daimler
Giveaway ends January 28, 2015.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
In the Presence of the Gods
I am currently working on an article for a new anthology through my publisher and during the process have been reflecting about the times I have felt the presence of the Gods around me. It is always hard to describe the numinous and so often after such an experience we find ourselves questioning and rationalizing away what we felt. This makes sharing these moments far more difficult, but there have also been times when the presence of the Gods created noticeable, tangible effects that were witnessed by many people and these are harder to rationalize away.
Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015
Last year was a very busy one for me.