One question that I am asked on a fairly regular basis is what should people who are interested in connecting spiritually to the Morrigan or who are just beginning to honor Her do? So I thought it might be helpful for me to post a list of general suggestions here, although keep in mind that these are only my ideas and what I have found works well for me. I tend to be a very sensory person so…
Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky
Random Irish Mythology Trivia
* Nuada is left handed – he lost his right arm during the fight with the Fir Bolg warrior Sreng, and we are told it was his shield arm, meaning his sword arm is his left arm
* Speaking of Nuada’s arm, when it is healed it is the original flesh arm that is restored, which Miach acquires and holds against his body for six days, then strikes it with burnt bulrushes for another three. Which makes…
When Fairytales Have Teeth
I was teaching a class last week about the types of Otherworldly spirits more likely to be found during the winter, and I had one of those moments that will sometimes happen where I opened my mouth and spoke off the cuff, as we were discussing the Unseelie Court. I pointed out to the people attending the class that contrary to what most of the young adult novels and paranormal romance…
Fight the Bad Meme – Blog Edition
I’ve started a new thing on my social media page, which I call "fight the bad meme", because it seems like every single pagan holiday that rolls around sees an influx of poorly researched memes purporting to ‘educate’ people about the real history of that holiday and it’s traditions. Usually most to all of the information presented in the meme is utter bollocks. So after I’ve seen the bad info…
The Winter Solstice
Although there is no solid evidence connecting Christmas in Ireland
to older pagan practices, there are some hints of traditions which may pre-date
Christian influence. As Estyn Evans tells us "Although Christmas is the outstanding Christian festival of the year
its traditional ‘Twelve Days’ of holiday are steeped in pagan lore and in folk
practices relating to the winter solstice…" (…
Winter Crow
She flies with the snow
Black against white
Continue reading…
The Value of Darkness
So I write a lot about the value of darkness and recently I’ve been making memes about it as well, such as this one:
and this one:
When I posted the first example on facebook yesterday someone asked me, privately, what exactly I meant by ‘darkness’ which got me thinking about the larger issue of what I was trying to say and why.
First a bit of backstory. This all began a bit tongue
The Noínden Ulaid
Ailiter: Machae dano ben Chruind meic Agnoman doriacht and do comrith fri heacha Concobair, ar atbert an fer ba luaithiu a bean. Amlaid dano bói in ben, is hi inbadhach, cor chuinnigh cairde coro thoed a brú, ocus ni tucad di, ocus dognith in comrith iarum, ocus ba luaithem si, ocus o ro siacht (cenn) in céiti beridh mac ocus ingen – Fir ocus Fial a n-anmand – ocus atbert co mbedis Ulaid fo ceis
Translation Tidbits 2
I’m in the middle of writing my fourth novel but I thought you all might enjoy some miscellaneous translation tidbits. These are some of my favorite short pieces from a variety of sources.
Sonus lomma is
lenna lir,
buáid comairle
in cech caingin,
búaid comperta,
clú co mbail,
búaid creiche
adiu, buáid slúagaid.
Trí lán ma
chluic d’usci úar
do chur esti a
n-agaid slúag,
innreth t’innse
Crossing Lines
As my regular readers know I almost never get political on this blog. I try to avoid that sort of thing because, quite frankly, that’s not what this blog is for.
However, there’s been a recent issue coming up in the wider pagan community*, which is itself just another verse of an older song, relating to elders in paganism making comments that are exclusionary and prejudiced. And that