Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky


Today’s blog is a new translation of the Metrical Dindshenchas entry for Tlachtga. 


Tlachtga, tulach ordain úais,forbaid mór ríg co rochrúais,ón chéin rosgab Tlachtga thoich,ingen Moga réil ríg-Roith.
Mug Roith mac Fergusa Fáilmac Rossa rígda ronáir,Cacht ingen Chathmind na clesa máthair dath-grind díles.
Roth mac Riguill roalt h-é;de ba Mug Roith rogaide:dá mac Moga, Búan is Chorb,…

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Excerpt from Pagan Portals Odin

Today’s blog is an excerpt from my forthcoming book Pagan Portals Odin, which will be released in March 2018

artwork by Ashley Bryner

Powers and

like any deity, can and will influence whatever he chooses to but there are
particular areas that he is especially associated with. I might not go so far
as to say that he is the god of these things in the traditional sense2,

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Dangerous Fairies and Knowing Your Limits

When I was at Pantheacon this year I taught a class about the Unseelie Court. It was a fun class to teach, late at night and with a good crowd. I may have been slightly delirious from jet lag and sleep deprivation. I may also at one point have uttered the now somewhat infamous line in response to what to offer them ‘I wouldn’t offer meat because then you’re going to attract the sorts of things…

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Aoibheall, Fairy Queen of Clare

Many of the Irish Fairy Queens were once Goddesses and we know this because they are listed among the ranks of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Gods of Ireland. However not all of them are so easily traced back to deities, although there may be an argument that they all have their roots in previous land and sovereignty Goddesses. One such more obscure Fairy queen is Aoibheall of Clare, whose folklore…

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Shifting Spirituality

This is going to be complicated. Also mysticism and personal experiences ahead. Proceed at your own risk.

I went to Ireland six months ago, and its been a time of transition and refocusing since then.I don’t tend to always share a lot of really deep personal stuff, for various reasons, including worry about how my experiences will be perceived. I’ve been reflecting a lot on that lately, but…

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The Queen of Elfland

 One figure that we see appearing in Scottish folklore in ballads, stories, and witch trial accounts is the Queen of Elfland or Queen of Fairies. This Queen is never named explicitly in these accounts but only referred to by her title and usually appears alone although in some rare cases she was known to have a king by her side. An enigmatic figure she traveled to the mortal world in some ballads…

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Simple Magic, Butter and Salt

There was a time when my magical practices were fairly complicated, and I suppose sometimes they still can be. I won’t deny that I like my fancy candles and herbs as much as most witches do, and I am fond of a variety of woods and natural materials. There is something visceral and satisfying in working with these tangible things, in – for example – making my own incense and watching a variety of…

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What’s in a Name? Imp, Elf, Fairy, Good Neighbor

When it comes to the denizens of Fairy, what’s in a name? As it happens a lot, but there’s also a great deal of confusion because many of the terms in English that we apply today to specific beings are rooted in generic terms that were once interchangeable. The water is further muddied by the widespread use of euphemisms, designed to encourage a positive response should you attract the attention…

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The Influence of Folk Etymologies

  Something I’ve been giving some thought to recently is the influence of the meaning of names. Most pagans I know are at least curious about what a deity or mythic figure’s name means and knowing the etymology then adds a layer of understanding about that deity. If we interpret the Morrigan’s name to mean ‘Great Queen’ I think that must in some way influence how we understand her more generally,…

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Cétemain, Cain Cucht ~ May-time, Beautifully Formed

The following is a poem said to have been spoken by Finn Mac Cumal

Cétemain, cain cucht 1 Cétemain, cain cucht, rée rosaír rann; canait luin laíd láin día laí (grían) gaí n-gann.2 Gairid cuí chrúaid den; is fo-chen sam saír: suidid síne serb i m-bi cerb caill chraíb.3 Cerbaid sam súaill sruth; saigid graig lúath linn; lethaid fota fraích; for-beir folt fann finn.4 Fúapair sceith scell scíach;…

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