Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky

Reshaped Living: Food and Drink ~ An Excerpt from my WIP

 I have recently signed a contract for a new book, a third in my Fairycraft series, and for today’s blog I wanted to offer an excerpt from the draft,to give people a taste of where this one is going. It’s much more personal than the others, and while it does quote sources and include the usual references (I am the one writing it after all) it also offers insight into the deeper layers of my own…

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The Morrigan’s Call Retreat 2017

Last weekend was the 4th annual Morrigan’s Call Retreat in Connecticut, an event that I have participated in since its inception. Founded by Stephanie Woodfield and Morrigu’s Daughters the Retreat offers people a chance to get together and honor the Great Queen(s). It has always been somewhat unique in that its purpose is so specific to one group of deities – the Morrigan and her sisters, Badb…

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An Amadán na Bruidhne – The Fairy Fool

According to folklore there are two fairies who are more dangerous than others, because their touch brings madness that cannot be cured: the Fairy Queen and the Fairy Fool. The Fairy Queen may be the more well-known, with a good amount of folklore to be found about her under either the title or a specific name, but the Fairy Fool is a more obscure figure. I thought it would be interesting to…

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Plans for 2018; Ireland and Iceland

I’ve had a lot going on lately, some of which I’ve written about here. One thing I think I haven’t discussed yet is that next year is going to be a big travel year for me; I’m not planning to do many events or conferences but I do have two bigger trips planned.

The first, ‘Bealtaine; Kindling the Flame of Devotion’, will be happening in April and May of 2018. It’s a sacred sites tour of…

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Call for Submissions – Part 2 Non-fiction Anthology

Yesterday I posted a call for submission for two fiction anthologies; the response has been good even in a short time. However several people have asked if non-fiction would also be accepted and thus the third anthology was born. Really three is a much more fitting number for anything Fey anyway….

Call for Submissions:

Fifty Shades of Fay: Modern Encounters with the Other Crowd – An anthology…

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Call for Submissions – Two Fairy Themed Anthologies

So, I made an off the cuff comment on social Media which has taken on a life of its own.I have never tried to put together an anthology before, but I’m going to give it a go. Caveat with that – it will almost certainly be self published.And of course one idea leads to another….so I’m actually looking for submissions for two different, but similar, anthologies.

Call for submissions:


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Behind the Scenes with My Fiction

I started writing fiction about 3 years ago, after a friend encouraged me to give National Novel Writing Month a try that November. I did it purely for fun, a break from my usual non-fiction, and never intended to publish it. But as I worked to reach NaNoWriMo’s goal of 50,000 words in a single month I started trying to motivate myself by posting daily word counts and little plot summaries on my…

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Today’s blog is a new translation of the Metrical Dindshenchas entry for Tlachtga. 


Tlachtga, tulach ordain úais,forbaid mór ríg co rochrúais,ón chéin rosgab Tlachtga thoich,ingen Moga réil ríg-Roith.
Mug Roith mac Fergusa Fáilmac Rossa rígda ronáir,Cacht ingen Chathmind na clesa máthair dath-grind díles.
Roth mac Riguill roalt h-é;de ba Mug Roith rogaide:dá mac Moga, Búan is Chorb,…

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Excerpt from Pagan Portals Odin

Today’s blog is an excerpt from my forthcoming book Pagan Portals Odin, which will be released in March 2018

artwork by Ashley Bryner

Powers and

like any deity, can and will influence whatever he chooses to but there are
particular areas that he is especially associated with. I might not go so far
as to say that he is the god of these things in the traditional sense2,

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Dangerous Fairies and Knowing Your Limits

When I was at Pantheacon this year I taught a class about the Unseelie Court. It was a fun class to teach, late at night and with a good crowd. I may have been slightly delirious from jet lag and sleep deprivation. I may also at one point have uttered the now somewhat infamous line in response to what to offer them ‘I wouldn’t offer meat because then you’re going to attract the sorts of things…

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