Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky

Tri Cuirn o Cormac ua Cuinn – The Three Goblets of Cormac grandson of Conn

Today I’d like to offer a shorter translation piece for you:

Cuirn sin tucad do Cormac u Cuinn dar muir
Feacht n-ann do luid Aedh Oirdnidhi mac Neill Frosaidh mic Fearghuile mic Maile Duin do ordugud fer cuigid Connacht. Do luid dar Eas Ruaidh ocus do baithed a fuis meisi ocus a cuirnn ann. Tainic Aedh co riacht Corca Tri, co n-deisidh a tigh righ Corca Tri. Coeca righ do riguibh Eirenn maille…

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Online Fairy Resources

I’ve posted various recommended reading lists before but I thought it would be both helpful and fun to post a selection of assorted links to online resources for the subject of fairylore here that don’t fall into the realm of ‘recommended reading’. There are after all other media one can look to for education on the subject and there’s some great music and fiction as well. Many of these are also…

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Magic in Motion – Circles and Compasses in Folklore

The idea that movement in magic has significance is of course an old one and can be found in both folk magic and folklore. In witchcraft we see this reflected in the idea of casting a circle and in some forms of modern traditional witchcraft in casting the compass*, and we also find the idea in references to early modern witchcraft which involve the idea of moving directionally around a space…

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Following in the Tracks of Hooves – a Pilgrimage in Ireland

Sheep tracks at Healy Pass

I’m just back from a recent trip to Ireland, helping co-facilitate a tour for Land, Sea, Sky Travel to the Beara peninsula. Most of the tour, of course, was focused on that job of facilitating for the people on the tour, but I had my own moments of experience as well and as I sit here back at home processing all of that I thought I’d share a little bit of what the…

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Upcoming Releases 2018

The second half of 2018 is going to be busy for me with published pieces being released, and since I often have people asking me what I have coming out and when I thought it might be helpful to recap here.

August 31, 2018 – Seven Ages of the Ages. An anthology by Moon Books that features a series of articles from various authors each focusing on a different aspect of the goddesses in history. I…

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Translation – Compert Mongan

Below is a new translation I’ve done of a section of the Conception of Mongan. It’s a very interesting story and I quite like this version which focuses more on Fiachna’s wife perspective than the other common story. 

COMPERT MONGAN… Asbertsa dagní didiu ar atá do chéle i ngúais már. Tucad fer húathmar ara chend nad forsabatár & atbéla leis. Dia ndernam mád tú caratrad berae mac de. Bid amre…

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Odin and the Wild Hunt – Excerpt from ‘Pagan Portals Odin’

The following is an excerpt from my recently released book ‘Pagan Portals Odin’

Cover art by Ashley Bryner

“The Wild HuntThe Wild Hunt is a group of spectral horsemen who ride the air at night, accompanied by hounds and horses, and led by a fearsome Huntsman (or in some cases Huntswoman). The Hunt is found in several areas of Western Europe as well as America and who exactly they are as well…

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Possession by Fairies or Elves

I’ll note as I begin that I will in this article be using the terms elf and fairy synonymously, as general terms for Otherworldly beings. This reflects the generalized use of the terms in the source material I’m referencing in writing this. For those who prefer to see the terms as applying to specific beings, understand that what follows would then apply equally to both.

That fairies or elves…

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Translation: Tond Clidna/Cliodna’s Wave

Today I wanted to do a piece from the Metrical Dindshenchas and I thought I’d take on a new look at poem 38 ‘Tond Clidna I’ since I will be heading off to southwestern Ireland in a few weeks.

Tond Clidna I

Clidna chend-fhind, búan a bét,
‘con tuind-se tánic a héc;
 damna d’a máthair beith marb
inní dia tarla in sen-ainm.
5] Dia ndernad in t-óenach the
ac lucht tíre tairngire,
is é thuc in…

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Meeting New Liminal Gods – Thallea and Thessilae

A lot has changed for me in my spirituality in the last few years, as anyone who follows my blog knows. But I do still follow the path I – for lack of a better term – call Fairy Witchcraft. And while I now focus my worship more on a specific Fairy Queen, who I feel fits the role of a liminal Goddess, I haven’t stopped exploring who and what the liminal Gods are. And just like I had written about…

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