I began this series inspired by conversations I was seeing in the wider pagan community about clergy. I felt that it would be good to add my voice into this as someone who serves a different role but one which has been identified as a ‘priestess’ and willingly took on that word and its associations. This has opened a fascinating dialogue on social media that has given me a lot of insight about…
Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky
Priesthood in Service to the Other – Part 2
So having written more abstractly about what I think being clergy to the Others is like in contrast to being clergy to the human community I felt like maybe I should follow that up with a bit of a more personal take on it. A discussion of what being that sort of clergy actually means in my life.
Again this is reflective of my own personal experiences and may not apply over to other people….
Priesthood in Service to the Other
Recently I’ve seen a lot of discussion about what exactly pagan priesthood is and should be, which is a good thing. This is a topic that needs to be discussed more often and more thoroughly in a community where many people clamour for the title but fewer are perhaps willing or equipped to do the actual work. John Beckett has written about pagan priesthood in several blogs including ‘Preparing for…
Why Do We View Fairies As Nature Spirits?
It’s a widespread idea at this point particularly in modern paganism and popular Western culture that fairies are nature spirits, that is that they are intrinsically bound to our natural world in some way. This idea is often simply stated as fact, implied to have always been true, or even argued as the older or more legitimate belief. In paganism its one aspect of a current trend I’m seeing to…
2018 in Review
Its hard to believe we’re already wrapping up 2018. Inspired by Benebell Wen’s ‘My 2018 Year in Review’ post linked on social media I thought I’d do my own version here.
So, my 2018.
I travelled a lot this year!
In April I went to Ireland, visiting Ardagh, Sligo, and the Beara Peninsula. Part of that was for a Land Sea Sky Travel tour and it was a great experience.
June I was back for another…
Witchcraft, Acceptability Politics, and Defiance
I’ve often said that I think witchcraft, specifically American neopagan witchcraft, is a victim of its own public relations. This is something we can see more and more clearly as different divides appear within the wider community, often over core issues of inclusion or exclusion. Why do these things happen in witchcraft which is at its core something that should be amorphous enough to hold a…
Kionan’s First Solstice – A Between the World’s Short Story
In canon short story from my Between the Worlds series. Taking place after the events in book #7 Desire and Ashes this is a a solstice story in the spirit of the stories in the Fairy Gifts anthology.
It was written initially for a few friends and shared with a social media fan group but now I’d like to share it here for anyone who follows my blog and enjoys my fiction. It runs around 3700 words….
The Selkie Resistance Agenda
Today’s post is meant just for fun (mostly) and is based off something a few of my friends came up with a while ago, the Selkie Resistance, which is in part about loving the ocean and hating modern society’s aesthetic standards.
I’m trying to keep this humorous, hence the format, and what follows is entirely my own opinion. I do not speak for the entire Selkie Resistance ;) And yes I realize this…
Evolution of My Spirituality
I was asked on social media to talk a bit about my personal practice, so I thought a short blog about it would be a good approach. I’ve been pagan now for nearly 30 years and in that time my approach to everything has changed drastically more than once so its interesting to answer this question now, knowing what I say will be different than what I would have said 10 or 20 years ago and what I…
Celebrating a New Holiday
When I was in Iceland I had an intense personal experience, shared with several friends, which later had me reassessing the way that I approach celebrating holidays and the entire cycle of holy days in the year. This has led me to trying an experimental year where I am celebrating times that are especially in sync with the Pleiades because I believe these times are more important to the…