Tag Archives: 9

Green Water of the Mountain

Some of what I gather is going to become spirit food, made by hand from the herbs I was compelled and directed to gather.  The flowers all have very specific and unique properties and are all under the guardianship of the great old mountain god, Takoma, who makes the waters that feed the valley meadows where I hunt at the base.  The mountain is home to deer gods and river goddesses, to bear spirit and eagle.  Powerful place, deserving of respect, I collect my herbs from the riverside and old-growth moss covered wetlands where the grandfather waters provide all the nourishment of those who forage in the shadow of the peaks.

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Some Crooked, Some Upright

My last entry on the three different spells I was working on at the time got me thinking about the roots of those magics and how even though they are all spells, they’re ruled by a different school of practice that is often the singular focus of devotion by some witches, myself included.  Even though two of those charms featured a form of black and red magic, they were still done in my way; the green way.  This got me thinking on the different kinds of paths that exist, sometimes simply categorized into good or bad, high or low, ceremonial or natural, but sometimes they are categorized by their intention and the practices which benefit those intentions.  In traditional witchcraft, this can be construed as the separation of black magic from green, red and *white* magic.  I don’t know if “magic” is the right word, I never really know how to describe what I think is going on here, but I will use the term magic to mean one’s spiritual and mystical influence in the world and upon other living things.

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