Blessings Darlings!
Today (as I type) would have been my Mother’s 112th birthday. Not coincidentally, it would also have been my uncle Sid’s 112th birthday, since they were twins.
They have already been served their…
Blessings Darlings!
Today (as I type) would have been my Mother’s 112th birthday. Not coincidentally, it would also have been my uncle Sid’s 112th birthday, since they were twins.
They have already been served their…
Blessings Darlings!
In my online travels the other day, someone asked for spells to increase their will power. I was kinda gobsmacked by the question, and not …
Blessings Darlings!
I don’t have time to crank out a ‘real’ blog today. I’ve been busy with the Trump policy of separating asylum seeking and immigrant parents from their children and other immigration issues. So here’s a copy of the letter we gave to two of our congresscritters yesterday (we also had a sign-wave outside their offices – FAR more approval from passing cars than disapproval!)
Blessings Darlings!
Let’s settle in with a summer drink for a discussion of ‘types of magic’, and try to get this done before my husband drags me off to practice holding webinars using Webinar Jam (*I* am not looking to do webinars, but an organization we’re involved in is, and the Chubby Hubby offered to do the tech stuff so …)
Now I’m not going to talk about Green magic vs hedge witchery vs water witches vs whatthefuckever. Personally I see those divisions as micromanaging. YMMV. Instead, I’m going to start with what are to me the Two Big Divisions, and then look at a hierarchy of approaches to magic.
Blessings Darlings!
You KNOW it’s true: damn near every online Pagan group has constant posts of animals and people claiming that the animals/pets are their familiars. Such posts take up a huge amount of bandwidth (I’m so old that I remember when that mattered). So let’s start with what a familiar spirit is and what its traditional functions are. …
Blessings, Darlings!
Yes, welcome to another installment of “oft bandied phrases” in the neopagan/witch world. Today is “we are all brothers and sisters.”
You’re probably a nice enough person, but you are not …
Blessings Darlings!
At this point of time I’m actively grieving the death of a friend. Her funeral was this morning, my son and I (we both worked with her) were able to attend the funeral but not last nights viewing.
We don’t go to many funerals. Part of it is our ages (relatively few of the folks were closest to die very often), partly because for family deaths we are more likely to visit the family during the week of observing …
Blessings Darlings!
It’s time. I can’t put off looking at “An it harm none, do as ye will”.
Let’s start with this: it’s 8 words. EIGHT E*I*G*H*T . Shortening it IN ANY WAY changes it completely. It’s meaning is not …
Blessings Darlings!
Today’s installment in my series on ‘oft bandied about Wiccan/Neopagan sayings’ is “Wicca/witchcraft/paganism is a path of personal responsibility.” Oh, you’ll find that all sorts of folks mention that it’s part of the path, investing one line or two – maybe even one paragraph! – to the concept, but then you look at what happens in almost every online esoteric group …
Blessings Darlings!
Maybe I should blog on some of these, maybe not. So I’m just giving short work on these topics right now: