Blessings Darlings!
Oh, goody – it’s “Lammas”. Lammas it the neopagan holiday that demonstrates exactly how … Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
Oh, goody – it’s “Lammas”. Lammas it the neopagan holiday that demonstrates exactly how … Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
We old folks, who remember feminist activism in the ’70’s, remember the mantra “the personal is political” – that is, a lot of what you personally experience is a result of what the Powers That Be allow/encourage. Your experiences reflect systemic problems – they are not JUST ‘your problems.’ The phrase is just as true today, 40+ years later, as it was then.
To straighten out some of the big things in your life, you end up working against rather than with, ‘the system.’ And even if you kludge some sort of solution, it only helps you – it doesn’t solve the systemic problem.
Let me give you an example. I live in … Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
I did NOT plan on needing to USE that health insurance within half an hour of my post on having it going up – but no one PLANS on injuring themselves!
It started off as such a good day – I was … Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
For the first time in rather a while – I have health insurance. Because the home business side of our income has been suffering and we’ve not been able to pay ourselves, I now qualify for …
Blessings Darlings!
It occurred to me that I should really do a blog on what was in that OTHER ‘what witches do’ list. The items and my brilliant (why doesn’t this have comic sans as a font option) commentary.
Here goes – …
Blessings Darlings!
BJ responded to my ‘suggestion’ list with this. It is, of course, wonderful, because that’s how BJ is.
So, in it’s entirety, and shared with permission:
Top Ten Things to do as a Witch
Blessings Darlings!
I’ve been rather gobsmacked by all the memes and such that I’ve run into today along the lines of “Friday the 13th is the Witch Day of [Good] Luck!” Look, folks, this is just …
Blessings Darlings!
I just read a really masturbatory and inefficient list of ‘What Witches Do’. It was immediately obvious to me that I had to create my own list! Really, almost all of them come down to either “Work to bring down the Patriarchy” or “Do your craft more efficiently” But for details…
Blessings Darlings!
This post is not about bringing garden surplus to share with your coworkers. Maybe next year I’ll be able to post about that. My garden’s not going to …
Blessings Darlings!
I’m hoping that your reaction to the title of this was “No Shit”.
Now, read this on an idea on where to put your efforts on solving the problem. And feel free to point out why banning single use plastic or whatever is better. We can argue here.
Frondly, Fern