Category Archives: Fern’s Fronds

Black Walnuts

Been spending most my life
livin’ in a prepper paradise …

So – today’s cheap preps was day 1 of going out to collect black walnuts. Lesson already learned: smaller bucket or fill it less full. Continue reading…

That Blessed To-Do List.

Blessings Darlings!

My ambitions tend to outrace my grasp – which means that my To Do list is really, really, REALLY long.  So much to do!  So little time to do it in!

Today I got several unexpected free hours, courtesy of hurricane Florence.  Because I have the To Do list – and keep it prioritized – I checked my list and decided to catch up on … Continue reading…

Omen Or No Omen.

Blessings, Darlings!

Dear Gods, I just tried ‘reading’ the same of a murmeration of birds as an omen.  Not that I had just asked a question or had an issue that I needed guidance on in my mind.  Hey, it looks like boobies!  That, and the cow that was nursing, must mean that everything is tits!  And tits are great!  So everything is great!

Well … Continue reading…

Psychopomps, or “I’ve Got a Hot Date Tonight”

Blessings Darlings!

A couple of weeks back I blogged about how the air in my land base is full of bats, moths, and butterflies, normal for this time of year.  That said – all these critters are well-known to be psychopomps… Continue reading…

You and Me, Baby, Ain’t Nothing But Mammals

Blessings Darlings!

In a conversation with the Chubby Hubby, I was again decrying folks looking to ‘consume’ spirituality – buying lots of items, saving lots of shared ‘information’ on someone’s ideas of what each days correspondences are, short meanings of symbols, short info on herbs, memes, etc. The CH, being wonderful and brilliant (why else would I marry and have children with him?) pointed out that … Continue reading…

Wandering in the Mists.

Blessings, Darlings!

We are coming off a week of cool – almost fall-like – weather (if Fall meant 70 degrees and no rain.)  Today starts a week of … Continue reading…

Breathing Room

Blessings Darlings!

Long time readers of this blog know that money – well, lack of it – has been a feature in my life for a bunch of years now.  Things have FINALLY eased up for a bit!  Since this ease is from … Continue reading…

What’s Up In YOUR Land Base?

Blessings Darlings!

Here in my land base, the fireflies are long gone. Night are LOUD now, with cicadas and crickets having meet and greets. I can count on seeing some shooting stars every night that is clear enough … but I can also count on … Continue reading…

Petty Magic.

Blessings Darlings!

I’m in a lot of Pagan groups on FaceBook.  In some of them, I even use my real name!  The groups are where I get much of the inspiration for the Pagan posts on this blog.  (Stop the pearl clutching – I don’t air individual’s issues/private stuff – I note general trends.) … Continue reading…

Where Order Goes to Die

Blessings, Darlings!

I am … disorganized … to put it mildly.  Okay, I’m Chaos personified.  My house is where Order goes to die.  Adding that to my … Continue reading…