Blessings Darlings!
Still working on hauling manure to the garden. I expect that this will take a month of work, since I’m out of shape and not hauling much per day. Garden will be very happy … eventually. Until then, … Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
Still working on hauling manure to the garden. I expect that this will take a month of work, since I’m out of shape and not hauling much per day. Garden will be very happy … eventually. Until then, … Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
Morning update:
The online filing for unemployment site is failing due to so many folks using it. Will try later today again. Spawn got thru’ earlier this week, he’s set up and will get the debit card in a few weeks.
Didn’t get thru’ all the To Do list yesterday, but got … Continue reading…
Blessings, Darlings!
As if there is anything ELSE to do when unemployed due to the Corona virus pandemic, I suppose I might start blogging again.
Or get my garden well started, even if it’s a bit early. Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
I know that I keep harping on this fact – but your ‘intent’ doesn’t mean a dang thing if you are too incompetent to formulate a working plan to pull it off. In fact, it is likely to totally backfire on you. Last night I watched another prime example on why magical or mundane ‘intent’ is always – ALWAYS – trumped by magical or mundane COMPETENCE.
It was especially entertaining since it was aimed at me. Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
Things have changed a lot at work recently. I had been in charge of a lunch contract – but the govt group this was for has been re-located onto a military base in another state. Since I have always been rather a ‘utility outfielder’ at work, doing a lot of different things when I wasn’t doing the lunches, I’m now varying between dishtank and ‘pantry’ (that’s desserts/salads/prep).
With this group… (Continue reading…)
Blessings Darlings!
It’s that season again, time to buy next year’s calendars and organizers and all that. I’ve not yet found one that will do the work of organizing my life for me, and as I’ve noted before – I’m where organization goes to die. Nevertheless, I keep trying … Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
Dreams last night were frustrating but immensely informative. In them I took on every single task other folks gave me. Every . Single . One . Of . Them . I also had my repetitive dream of ‘driving a vehicle so big that I can’t see the street to steer and drive over other vehicles’. Time to re-assert … (Continue reading…)
Blessings Darlings!
People in the Pagan/Witch groups I’m in have started their regular freaking out over the upcoming Mercury Retrograde. They have started praying that it’s smooth. Have I mentioned that ‘hopes and prayers’ put my teeth on edge?
So here’s a reminder that the Merc Retro is a (Continue reading…)
Blessings Darlings!
Book reviews are coming – but life’s been busy lately. Very busy. My husband has a new contract that’s a bit of a death march on timing (so much to do, so little time to get it done) – so I’m doing all Continue reading…
Blessings Darlings!
Having consulted with others, and thought about it myself – there are more things I’d like to see in Wicca/Pagan 101 books. Let’s start with …
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