Category Archives: Fern’s Fronds

You asked for it, you got it!

Blessings Darlings!

I’m assuming that most of the folks reading this are not ‘essential workers’ and working full time (or more) during the pandemic.  Which means y’all are at home, and have more free time on your hands.  But along with that free time, you don’t have money since you’re not working.  And most of  y’all aren’t trying to adjust to … Continue reading…

Soggy Sunday

Blessings Darlings!

Tis a cloudy Sun’s Day here, had some rain earlier.  So no work IN the garden or hauling manure today.  I’ll process the meats that the Spawn bought earlier this week – form the ground beef into 4 oz patties and freeze then bag them, cut the chicken leg quarters into thighs and drumsticks, then fry them and freeze what we don’t eat.  And as always, do the never ending stream of … Continue reading…

A Day of Tea and Reading

Blessings, Darlings!

The day started with a thunderstorm.  Then just rain.  And it’s still cool, cloudy, damp, and windy.  A raw day. We’ve more than enough leftovers that I don’t need to cook dinner tonight.  I’ve done some housecleaning already. It’s time to … Continue reading…

Frig’s day

Blessings Darlings!

The Spawn is just back from taking the weekly shopping trip. Walmart had toilet paper (not that he bought any, we’re fine), he had no problem getting fresh lettuce, frozen veggies, eggs (limit 2 dozen), 2 gallons of milk, a 3 pound chub of ground beef, a 10 pound bag of chicken leg quarters. That’s probably 2 weeks worth of meat.  But he forgot the … Continue reading…

Jupiter’s Day

Blessings Darlings!

There’s a VERY new baby calf today!

This being the planetary day of Jupiter, I’m going to do a small rite during one of the hours of Jupiter.  Invoke Jupiter, make offerings, ask for blessings on our household’s health and wealth in this fraught times.  Basic magical stuff.

I’m also … Continue reading…


Blessings Darlings!

Rainy and somewhat raw here today, with the temperature dropping all day.  A good day for me to throw towels in the wash, since I prefer them dried in the dryer so they get softer and fluffier.

The CEO of the hotel that the Spawn and I work for called this morning, … Continue reading…

March New Moon

Blessings Darlings!

Husband is over his little nasal drip, so the man-crisis is over.  I’m still working my way thru’ the … Continue reading…

Husband has sore throat.

Blessings Darlings!

The governor finally closed the state, kinda sorta.  Hardware stores still count as vital businesses, somehow, tho.

The Chubby Hubby has nasal drip, and is freaking out.  He’s in Continue reading…

Witching Away Covid 19

Blessings Darlings!

We’re living in interesting times.  Latest thing is the Covid 19 pandemic.  I am one of the folks who thinks it’s serious – but that’s not what this post is about.

This post is about some of the magical responses to it, Continue reading…

Old Projects Day

Blessings Darlings!

On top of the usual cleaning and hauling manure – today I finally put together a cheap garden composter that I bought like 4+ years ago.  Had to send the spawn to the storage locker to find it there before putting it together.  It’s REALLY cheap, but was REALLY easy to put together, now that … Continue reading…