Category Archives: Fern’s Fronds

It was for me only, not for all y’all.

Blessings Darlings!

I have set up a grocery pick up with Walmart, which I usually call The Evil Empire.  I still worry a lot about their employees, but it’s certainly better for them that folks do pick up than shop.

Apparently I’m not working hard enough for The Morrigan.  A bit ago, I was … Continue reading…

Is this Monday?

Blessings Darlings!

Having a bit less ‘active’ a day today than yesterday.  Laundry on line. Bill paying.  Trying to do an online order of groceries, for either delivery or pickup, but all time slots filled.  Trying that every few hours to see when they add more time slots.  [Later] oh – it looks like they only … Continue reading…

From Garden to Oven.

Blessings Darlings!

I have a lot of ‘weeds’ in my garden right now.  It’s too early for most things to be planted, let alone producing … unless you count the weeds.  As it happens, I DO count the weeds.

So I went out earlier today and harvested a colander full of ‘wild greens’, mostly chickweed, but some purple dead nettle was in the bunch.  Brought ’em in, cleaned ’em, chopped ’em, threw the lot of ’em in a … Continue reading…

Salt free Saturday.

Blessings Darlings!

Not for ONE MINUTE did I think that table salt would be an issue for us during ‘stay at home.’ But – here we are, and here it is. OTOH, I have … Continue reading…

It’s a foodie Friday.

Blessings Darlings!

It looks like the beets are sprouting today.

I’m bopping in and out of the house every 15 minutes for the next two hours, putting more soaked hickory chips on top of the charcoal in the smoker.  Today is “Smoke a pork shoulder roast” at Chez Fern.  It will be … Continue reading…

Achin’ Bacon.

Blessings, Darlings!

Now the turnips are sprouting!

Dear Gods, my back went crazy after the garden work yesterday.  Along with putting cardboard down, I’d forked up and removed some grass from the already-established garden. … Continue reading…

A Garden Day

Blessings, Darlings!

Gardening time. Even tho’ my knee is still extremely fucked up with tendonitis (It will need another 4 to 11 weeks before I expect it to be ‘mostly better’) I worked in the garden today. Not being an idiot, I focused on … Continue reading…

Grey and Chilly Tuesday 3/31

Blessings Darlings!

Laundry started.  I’m not very started, tho’, feeling very sluggish.  Laundry got hung on line, but it has been so grey and cool that I had to finish it in the dryer.  Did dishes.  Dinner is just spaghetti and sauce – neither of which … Continue reading…

Black Mass for Shut-Ins.

Blessings Darlings!

As I started blathering about yesterday, lots of us are at home with time on our hands due to lock downs due to Coronavirus.  Not just at home – but due to not being able to go to ‘nonessential’ shops we can’t get more ‘supplies’ locally … and since many of us have lost our jobs, we can’t even order them online.

What’s a witch to do? … Continue reading…

Lovely Monday

Blessings Darlings!

It is a gorgeous day here in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia.  68 degrees, sunny, light breezes.  The Chubby Hubby and I went for a walk, after I meditated, got laundry on the line and started the dishwasher (yup, we’re American).

I’m going to start today’s manure hauling soon.  My current plan is to … Continue reading…