Category Archives: Fern’s Fronds

Unexpected Garden Time!

Blessings, Darlings!

News?  WaPo has a GREAT article on ‘excess deaths’ since the Corona Virus started.  A base line on the REAL death toll.  Tho’ it is probably still somewhat light, since accidental deaths (car accidents, etc) are going to be down with less folks on the road and such.

I’m feeling sluggish again today.  I mean, I got up and … Continue reading…

April Ran Away.

Blessings Darlings!

Holy cow – April has run away with out me.  Here it is, practically the end of the month, and I’m WAY behind in getting things planted.  To be fair – I’m always behind in planting.  Every single year.  But I thought that this year would be different, being, ya know, jobless.  I DID get … Continue reading…

Deep Food Storage

Blessings, Darlings!

So, as I was saying yesterday, I have ‘pantry’ storage of various foods.  Enough for a few weeks of eating, if we ate only that.  But that’s the little bitty tip of my food storage iceberg.  In fact, it’s aimed to only supplement the deeper food storage.

Yes, I aim to have a lot of … Continue reading…

An Expert, who blessedly admits we don’t know enough.

Blessings, Darlings!

Before I do that post on stocking up, I’m posting this –

A really good article, where the expert explains how little we know about CoronaVirus. He doesn’t explain EVERYTHING we don’t know, but at this point … that would take a full book.
I’d LOVE to hear from others who can cite reasons to dispute what he says we don’t know, or can’t do (like the reagent problem).

Frondly, Fern

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How’s your pantry doing?

Blessings Darlings!

Food is no longer FLYING off the shelves in the grocery stores.  Most things are now stocked when you try to shop.  Not flour, or the mixed veggies I want, not always toilet paper or paper towels, but fresh foods are now easier to find.

If you have the finances, it would be a good time to re-stock your pantry.

Yes, I’m one of those … Continue reading…


Blessings darlings,

I had a post all typed about how I don’t want to … Continue reading…

Take Our Oil. Please.

Blessings Darlings!

Today I did laundry, and more laundry, and more laundry.  I drove to our bank, some 30 miles away.  I shopped at Costco, near the bank – my first time at Costco in about 4 months.  While there I remembered to … Continue reading…

Money in, Job out.

Blessings, Darlings!

Got my meds and hit the grocery store I get them at, and the Aldi’s.  Got home to find my first unemployment check AND a letter from work saying … Continue reading…

Family Day!

Blessings Darlings!

Today we just did family stuff (well, after I did laundry and got it on the clothes line.)

We all took a … Continue reading…

Fundamentally, a Good Day

Blessings Darlings!

Woke up to rain, but it’s ending and moving out.  Had a glimpse of sunshine for a moment or two.  Therefore, I’ve got … Continue reading…