Category Archives: Fern’s Fronds

Heavy food, light blog

Blessings Darlings!

Last night my son made a stuffed pizza.  They are delicious.  They also always set off my stomach.  So not much of a post today.

The guys bought a … Continue reading…


Blessings, Darlings!

It’s raining, the Spawn is picking up our order from Walmart, I’ve unloaded the dishwasher – it’s just another day.  Walmart substituted two things, for things of the same or better quality, at the same or lower price.  That’s nice.

We’re going to be getting a week of unusually … Continue reading…

Situations not improving.

Blessings Darlings!

The pandemic continues unabated, so of course the administration is talking about disbanding the group they have working on it.

I went out today – had to get mole/vole repellent for the garden, and also hit Aldi’s.  While out I also … Continue reading…

Laundry Day.

Blessings Darlings!

Seriously weird post-apocalpytic dreams last night.  Low-tech tribal societies, with societal pressure against technology.  Then THAT old trope – a cool piece of technology roars into town … Continue reading…

I suck at herding black cattle at 3 am.

Blessings Darlings!

At 2:30 this morning someone insistently leaned on our doorbell.  Then did it again.  I stagger to the door, “Dude? What the fuck?” “Are those your fields?” … Continue reading…

Under the weather.

Blessings, Darlings!

I suppose that today it should read ‘Lessings, Darlings.’  I’m a bit … Continue reading…


Blessings Darlings!

Yup, it’s May Day.  And I had very low-key dreams of … Continue reading…

May Eve

Blessings Darlings!

Serious wind all night – serious rain (with flood warnings) for today.  I’m glad that I got all that garden work done yesterday, even tho’ I’m achy today.

I’m assuming that that the leaves on the local … Continue reading…

Pop corn apocalypse. Popcalypse?

Blessings Darlings!

Like most folks, my husband and I are trying to live as normally as possible during the coronavirus pandemic.  For him, normal includes having popcorn twice a week.

My husband and I are getting up there in age, and like horses … Continue reading…

Most seeds don’t make it to harvest.

Blessings Darlings!

Today’s news – meat packing is more important than protecting health care workers to our government.

Let’s turn our pagan/witch attention to something mundane that I mentioned the other day – that I have to be ready to start at least 9 seeds for every plant that I … Continue reading…