Category Archives: Fern’s Fronds

Mid May Land Base.

Blessings, Darlings!

On the Coronavirus front –  JUST NOW the govt is requiring nursing homes to report cases.  They STILL don’t REQUIRE nursing homes to report other infectious diseases being spread in their walls.

The farmer I share a driveway with is up to her ears with the … Continue reading…

Caturday in the Garden with Sweat.

Blessings Darlings!

Breakfast only had one veggie today, so I had to add a piece of fruit.  There is a new horse, a beautiful brown gelding with a large white blaze, probably a t-bred, in the pasture – the two ‘old’ horses are working on putting it in its place.   There has been bucking by Reeta, the black mare.  Now they are about … Continue reading…


Blessings Darlings!

Allow me, if you will, to introduce you to introduce to a term I created earlier this week.  The term is “Plagiarposting”.  It is when someone posts something in a group that someone else wrote, but doesn’t link back or give any credit to the actual author. … Continue reading…

Contact tracing

Blessings Darlings!

It’s 4 days before the ‘latest frost date in my area’.  I finally sat down and planned what I was planting where in the main garden.  It’s not that complex, I just need … Continue reading…

A lovely Wednesday.

Blessings Darlings!

Walmart pick up achieved.  I rejected the substitution for popcorn, love the substitution for canned veggies, glass ‘rock’ substitution is fine.  They didn’t have my black rocks.  First world issue.  Maybe … Continue reading…

No-contact purchase of Witch supplies

Blessings Darlings!

Dishes done, laundry on clothes line, seedlings moved outside again.  Trying to clean the area where the plants overwintered inside, and gotta get on that … Continue reading…

Intent < Will

Blessings Darlings!

It’s cooler here today than it was yesterday.  It’s a good thing we took our family walk yesterday!  And the freeze advisories continue for tonight and the next few nights.  If I do anything in the garden, it will be … Continue reading…

Mothers Day, 2020.

Blessings, Darlings!

A special ‘Blessings’ for all y’all who are missing your mothers today, due to whatever reasons.  Deaths, coronavirus distancing, abuse, ‘difficult relationships’, etc.  And to those who are missing what you’d have needed or liked your mother to have been when you were a child or now, as an adult, because adults have needs, too.  And to those who would have liked to have been mothers themselves, but life happened differently, if you feel a heavy weight of that. Continue reading…

Spring Freeze continues

Blessings Darlings!

Didn’t do much today at all.  No doubt I’m having trouble with motivation/action due to depression.  So focusing on … Continue reading…

Freeze coming.

Blessings Darlings!

Our main non-stick fry pan, 10 1/2 inch, needs to be replaced.  So does our 8 1/2 inch one.  So I used my unemployment benefits to get a digital membership to Consumer Reports and have started searching for a replacement. … Continue reading…