Category Archives: Fern’s Fronds

Magic for Justice.

Blessings, Darlings!

Today, in a FB group:  “Does anyone know any spells for justice?”
Responses: … Continue reading…

Blessings Darlings!

Tired day today.  Went to the protest at the wall at noon today, even made a sign for it.  Everyone was masked. … Continue reading…

Sage? Naw. This year needs an Asafetida smudging.

Blessings Darlings!

I’m sweating my ass off working in the garden in 90 degree sunny weather today.  So I might not post much at all. … Continue reading…

First hump day of June.

Blessings Darlings!

Tomorrow, June 4, is Hug Your Cat day.  I don’t know who designated this.  I do know that not all cats like to be hugged, so I suspect that this holiday was created by a company that makes bandages. … Continue reading…

Alert! More stupid magic coming!

Blessings Darlings!

They’re doing it again.  “They” being the part of the witch/pagan community that … Continue reading…

It’s going to be a long, hot summer.

Blessings Darlings!

It’s another perfect day here.  My solar dryer is full of clean laundry and hard at work. Dishes are caught up with again, and washer emptied.  Sugar bowl has been filled (a Monday task).  I believe that we’ll have … Continue reading…

I didn’t start the fire.

Blessings Darlings!

As the US burned today, we went out and visited local parks. Then returned to attend … Continue reading…

First Fireflies!

Blessings Darlings!

I felt very old earlier today.  Someone in a group asked ‘what rituals do you do when moving into a new home?” and my first thing was … Continue reading…

Smash the Patriarchy!

Blessings Darlings!

Coronavirus continues, fundamentally unabated, while states open. … Continue reading…

I love carbs and hate exercise.

Blessings Darlings!

It’s a cool and rainy day here today.  Humidity so high that everything is sticky, the kitchen floor feels so sticky from humidity (I washed it, it’s clean) that my … Continue reading…