Every now and then I run across someone who tells me that I can’t be a Druid because only men were Druids historically, or that there was gender seperation historically whether it was simply the different genders living seperately or full(…)
Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky
Being Pagan or Not Being Pagan
It seems like its getting more and more trendy for people to start distancing themselves from the umbrella term of paganism, which is usually used to describe someone who is a modern polytheist and can apply to almost(…)
Cursing in the Norse Tradition
Although it raises some sticky modern ethical dilemmas for some people, and is guaranteed to start a fight in most groups, cursing can be found in all (to my knowledge) ancient cultures. Norse cursing has its own distinct flavor that makes for(…)
Druidic Wands and Sacred Woods in Irish Tradition
When the topic of wands and sacred woods within Druidism comes up most people immediately think of what we know from continental and British sources; understandable since the British model is the most popular. I think though that there is(…)
New Year Blessing
Today I start my (secular) New Year by walking through my house smudging with a blend of Juniper, Rosemary, and Vervain to bless my home. As I do this I will say a prayer based on one from the Carmina Gadelica.
2012 Reflections
Today is New Year’s eve and like last year I am spending the day reflecting on the past 12 months. Later tonight I will honor Frau Holle and see the old year out while welcoming the new in, but I find that the best way to let go of the past year(…)
Fulltrui – Dedication to a Deity in Heathenry
Within Heathenry you will see a wide range of approaches and beliefs, from those who don’t believe in the Gods at all, to those who see them as archetypes, to those who believe the Gods exist as unique inidual beings. In the same way you(…)
In Memorial ~ Christine Winkler
On Sunday, December 23rd, one of the strongest, most intense, women I have ever known passed from this world to the next after a hard fight against cancer. In the past four years she had fought and beat cancer four times, but this fifth round proved(…)
Modern Altars
It seems that most modern pagans have or use altars of some type. Sometimes permanent, sometimes transitory, the altar is often the focal point of worship, a place we can connect to our Gods in an active way. A place to go when we need something to focus(…)
Yule 2012
Happy Yule and a merry solstice to all!
Yule is always one of the busiest times of year for me; as I mentioned last year I have usually approached Yule form a strictly Germanic/Norse perspective but have recently started trying to incorporate more Irish and Druidic aspects. Since the heathen Yule celebration lasts for 12 nights its been hard to work in anything else – which is complicated by the very limited Irish folklore and practices. This year I am going to attempt to juggle four different types of celebration.