Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky

A Prayer for Sleep

“I am placing my soul and my body
Under your protection this night, O Gods,
Under your protection, O mighty ancestors,
Under your protection, O goodly-inclined spirits,
The Three who would defend my cause,

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How We See the Gods

One of the most basic aspects of paganism may be how we see the Gods. Our Gods, after all, have a concreteness to them that lends itself to imagery. We have myth, folklore, and ancient pagan artwork to pull from as we seek to imagine what(…)

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A Prayer for the Dying

Death is always difficult for the living to come to terms with, although it is said that to die to this world is to be born into the Otherworld. One thing we, as modern pagans, need more of are prayers for the dying, to help the soul move on and to comfort the living left behind. This is a blessing from the Carmina Gadelica to be said at death. I have modernized it and made it more pagan….

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Druids – What I Do, the meme version

One thing about the internet, there is never a shortage of memes going around. One that’s been making the rounds for a while is a Druid version of the popular “What I Do” meme. I decided it was time to make my own version, one that I(…)

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Having completed the first aett we move on to the second, which begins with Hagalaz.
 Hagalaz looks like an English upper case “H” with the crossbar slanted downwards, and indeed it represents  an “h” sound as well. This makes Hagalaz…

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When Your Children and Your Ghosts Don’t Get Along

Sometimes my spiritual practice and my role as a mother come into conflict. One such incident happened several months ago and presented a unique challenge for me. I thought I would share it here to help any other parents who find themselves(…)

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Redefining "Dark" Gods

This blog may seem glaringly obvious to some people, or perhaps utter nonsense, but for me it represents a recent insight and new way of looking at the deities I honor. I’m sharing my thoughts here for the reader to contemplate and come to your(…)

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A Healing Charm

I really like using healing charms. Although any medical issue should always be treated professionally I think that along side medical interventions the use of healing charms can improve the outcome(…)

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Draoi Draíochta

I have several blogs that I enjoy reading on a regular basis; one of these is Nimue Brown’s blog on her Druidic path. Yesterday I read an interesting post by her about “Druidry And Magic”(…)

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Charm Against the Evil Eye

The Carmina Gadelica has a series of charms which all deal with the evil eye, that is the curse laid upon a person by another who wishes them ill or looks upon them with envy.  This one is my personal favorite(…)

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