Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky

Prayers to Nuada Airgetlam

Prayer to be a Wise Leader
Nuada of the Silver Hand
Twice-King of the Tuatha De
Help me find the wisdom
To be a wise leader in my life
May I see the greater pattern
May I know the greater good
May I act decisively(…)

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A Swan Omen Charm

This omen deals with swans, birds that are seen as omens of…

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When Your Ritual Goes Up In Flames…Literally

I conducted my first ritual when I was 12 years old. My friend had introduced me to neopaganism through Scott Cunningham’s Book Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner and I had gone on to read Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft and Sybil Leek’s Diary of a Witch. Now, months later, we had decided the time was right to …

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Prayers to the Morrigan

So for the last several weeks I have been engaged in an effort to learn more about and honor Morrigu. As part of this effort I have made a small shrine to her and have been making regular offerings; I have also been meditating regularly on her.(…)

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Omen Charms

Omens based on birds and animals are widespread in Celtic belief. The following charms list omens of luck for the coming year relying on hearing or seeing specific animals. If we study this information we can learn details of what animals and(…)

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Book Review: Thinking Wild

I recently was offered the opportunity to review the book Thinking Wild, Its Gift of Insight: a way to make peace with my shadow for(…)

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Augury Charm

Divination was a widespread and complex process among the Gaelic(…)

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Badb, Morrigan of Prophecy

“Delbaeth…has three daughters, the famous war-furies Badb, Macha, and Mórrígu, the latter sometimes called Anand or Danand.” (Macalister, 1941).

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Where the Hawthorn Grows – Sale

The ebook edition is on sale for only 99 cents!
or Barnes and Noble:

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“Badb and Macha, greatness of wealth, Morrigu
springs of craftiness,
sources of bitter fighting
were the three daughters of Ernmas.”(…)

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