Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky

Children’s Prayers

Prayers During Storms, Meal Prayers, & Sleep Prayers

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Meal Prayers

Meal Blessing 
This is a longer prayer from the Carmina Gadelica to be said over food. I would suggest saying it either while cooking or while serving the meal, as opposed to after serving it. Interestingly the prayer contains a line referencing…

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Prayers to Odin

Prayer for Wisdom

Harbard, Wise Ferryman,
Help me learn patience
Help me learn to answer well
Help me  find my wisdom
Greybeard, May it be so

Prayer for Abundance(…)

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Healing Prayers and Charms

I do a great deal of healing work and as part of my month of prayers I want to include a variety of healing prayers and charms. I hope you all find these useful, or at least interesting.

This one’s traditional but very useful(…)

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Traveling Prayers

Prayer for Travel

Wodan, wandering God
May my way be clear before me
Donar, God of might and main
May your hammer ward my way
Zui, great God and guiding star,
May I travel(…)

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Prayers for Patience

Prayer for Patience

Gods above, Gods below,
Give me patience
As I come and go
As I strive and work
As I rest and play
From morning to night
All through my day
Give me patience


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Prayers for Inspiration

I thought I’d move into my month of blog prayers by posting some prayers for inspiration. The opening prayer uses the Old Irish word “Imbas”(…)

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Prayers for Lughnasa

Prayers for Lughnasa based on the Carmina Gadelica

Reaping Blessing 90
On Tuesday at(…)

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Prayers to Badb

Invocation to Badb
Badb, daughter of Ernmas
Hooded Crow of Battle
Sister of Macha and the Morrigan
I call to you
Wife of Net, God of Warfare
Bringer of Madness
Washer at the Ford
I call to you
Badb of(…)

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Cursing in the Celtic Tradition

Although sometimes seen as a controversial topic, there is ample evidence of cursing in Irish folklore and mythology. Cursing might be used as a form of justice, such as we see in the use of satire, or as a punishment and often could(…)

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