Category Archives: By Land Sea and Sky

How To Be Heathen

In taking on a month of blogging about Heathen topics I asked my friends several times what they would like to see me write about and several mentions were made that boiled down to “how to be Heathen”. This is one of those difficult subjects that(…)

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An Irish Equinox Celebration

I’ve mentioned before that I do not usually celebrate the equinoxes in the traditional sense, preferring to stay with the 4 Fire Festivals, but I’ve decided to try something new. I’ve been slowly fleshing out Midsummer and Midwinter celebrations,(…)

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Prayers to Eir

Prayer to Eir for Healing

Eir, greatest of healers,
Let me be healthy and hale
Let me be well and whole
Let me be fine and(…)

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Runes for Divination – the History

In modern times runes are fairly well established as a means of divination, but are often criticized in Heathenry for not being historically used for that purpose. The truth is that we know the ancient pagan Norse and Germans used a system of lots for divination, but we don’t know with certainty that the marks on the lots where runes, nor what each rune may have been interpreted to mean. We do, however, know(…)

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Runes for Magic – the history

“Songs and runes then can do very great things. They are able to kill and bring to life, as well as prevent from dying; to heal or make sick, bind up wounds, stanch blood, alleviate pain, and lull to sleep; quench fire, allay the sea-storm, bring(…)”

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CD Review: Kellianna Traditions

I’m doing something a little bit different today and offering my first music review. Yesterday I bought a copy of Kellianna’s new CD Traditions, and after listening to it I decided it would be the perfect CD to review here.

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Sigdrifa’s Prayer

Hail Day!
Hail sons of Day!
Hail …

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Heathenry and the Afterlife

The afterlife is a very complicated thing in Heathenry, and it is something that is too often simplified in discussions and books to reflect a more classical or monotheistic model. People seem to have an endless desire to know where we go after we die(…)

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Racism and Cultural Appropriation

American paganism in many ways reflects the contemporary trends of American culture: in the 60’s and 70’s it was feminism and women’s empowerment, in the 80’s and 90’s it was inidual empowerment. In the last ten years, and more so now,(…)

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Prayers to/for the Faeries

Prayer to Honor House Fairies

“I offer this to the spirits of my home,
Spirits of place, I honor you
Spirits of peace, be welcome

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