Category Archives: Arokkian Nightmare

The Battle of the Bulge, Part The Fourth

Back in 2007, I had LapBand weight loss surgery. Prior to the surgery, I weighed in at well over 400 lbs. I was in constant pain from my knees and back, I had crazy heart palpitations, and would get out of breath from simply rolling over…from rolling over…from rolling THE FUCK… Read more »

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Welcome to My New and Stark Surroundings

Welcome to Arokk.NET, my new personal, (mostly) non-political blog.

This will be the place for my general ramblings, philosophical rants, and general nonsense. I may also start working on some regular features and column-esque stuff and things, but the idea is to intellectually unwind, reconnect with my spiritual and religious studies and musings, and to refocus myself. If you’re one of the random folks interested in my more political-focused opinions and musings, feel free to check out my much less relaxed blog, Rag’n Arokk.

You’ll notice that the theme on this site is pretty stark. That’s because I haven’t really done a lot of writing with any regularity that warrants any sort of “fanciness” here. I don’t really care about the way things look, so long as things can be found. Window dressing means nothing if the building is empty.

Once gain…welcome.

from Arokk.NET

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New Year’s Resolutions

I’ve never been a believer in New Year’s resolutions, but there was a time that I halfheartedly made them only to see them go up in smoke (sometimes literally) just a few hours later. I have, on various occasions, resolved to lose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, reduce my online time, etc. etc. I have never kept a single one.

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Ragnarokk: Getting Organized

I think I am going to be starting a semi-regular feature on my blog that highlights free online, tablet/phone and computer tools for organization and other things. I tried it once before on my old blog, but there really wasn’t any focus involved. Going to start from scratch.


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Welcome to the World, Quinn! Epilogue Two–Medicinal Malfeasance

After Quinn’s birth, Lyndsay was put on an IV anti-inflammatory (Toradol) and 10 mg of Percocet every 4 hours. Ohio doesn’t use pain pumps unless someone is put under general anesthesia, and, so, this was her pain regimen.

A day and a half after Quinn was born, Lyndsay’s IV blew, and so was removed. Due to the previous nightmares of trying to get IVs and epidurals going, Lyndsay was understandably tired of being poked with needles, and, so, decided that she didn’t want a new IV or to have regular injections of the Toradol anymore.

The doctor on staff at the time, Dr. Flemming, decided, without informing Lyndsay of any consequences, that, to make up for not having the Toradol anymore, that he would up the dose of Percocet to 10 mg every 3 hours.

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Welcome to the World, Quinn! Epilogue One–Nurse Ratchet

After all the excitement and terror from the wee hours of the morning, we were blessed with a few hours of minimal interference from the nurses.

That was to be short-lived, however…

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Welcome to the World, Quinn! Part Four–The Aftermath

Upon thanking Dr. Ortiz, I left the OR to go let Lyndsay’s family know that she and Quinn were okay.

I found them in her birthing suite, with her mom in the process of coming out of what appeared to be hysterical crying.

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Welcome to the World, Quinn! Part Three–Just Breathe

Tuesday, January 14, 2014:

At approximately 12:45 am, Erin returned for another check of Lyndsay. In her words, Lyndsay was “almost 10 cm dilated” and she decided to have Lyndsay do some “practice pushes”. Having been in the room for 3 previous labors, this sounded odd to me, but that was a long time ago, so I kept my thoughts to myself.

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Welcome to the World, Quinn! Part Two–Uncomfortably Numb

Monday, January 13, 2014:

The waiting period allowed us to get some sleep before heading over to the hospital (which inevitably results in cranky pregnant lady being tethered to a bed for hours on end while awaiting the final pushing, etc. We were able to take our time. Lyndsay took a warm bath, I gave her a foot rub, we took a nap, got up, went to breakfast, and then proceeded to mosey up to Mercy Anderson Hospital.

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Welcome to the World, Quinn! Part One–The Flood

On January 14, 2014, my girlfriend, Lyndsay, and I welcomed my fourth son (my fifth child overall, and Lyndsay’s first) into the world. This is the story about how it played out…

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