Author Archives: Lala

Spam: It makes me giggle.


So, today is all about Spam. Sometimes it can just make you giggle, like this spam that I got as a comment on one of the previous blog entries.

‘Stop-Balness’: Oh my goodness! an incredible article dude. Thanks Nevertheless I am experiencing concern with ur rss .

I’m not quite sure what issue there is with my rss, but it still made me giggle. Easily dealt with, Akismet caught it and threw it in a spam log for me.

Now, here’s another instance of spam. This took place on our FB page.

Miss “I WroteABook SelfPublished” Posted a link on our wall, all about her book, and where we’d be able to find it. Now, I’m not including that link because I’m not promoting her book, and I also don’t want her bad behavior to hurt her book sales.

Lala: “So, do you spam all of your friends pages, or just ours?”

WAB: “its raising awareness”

Lala: “no, it’s self promotion and spam. Did you ask the page owner for permission to post that?”

WAB: “its not self promotion if your selling a product promoting awareness, i didn’t have to go public with my past but i did to help others i barely get any royalties on the sales”

Lala: “I’ll say it again, it’s self promotion and spam. You’re spamming the page with links, to a book that you wrote. Can you tell me how that isn’t self promotion? Again, did you seek permission to post that before actually posting it?”

WAB: “whatever you’ll never understand so I won’t waste my energy”

(Permission to share?)

WAB:”no and i don’t care about that”

WAB: “yes it does i don’t have the patience to be ‘got at’ for trying to raise awareness when I’ve not slept in days cuz of anxities related to my disability”

WAB: “awareness not self promo”

Now, the self published author chose to continue on her argument that since her book was supposed to raise awareness on a topic, that it was not self promotion, nor should it be considered spam. Fact of the matter is, it’s self promotion, no matter what the topic of the book was, and had she bothered to send a quick note, asking permission to share the link, she would have gotten it.

Instead, when called on the bad spammish behavior, she became defensive, argumentative and just plain out right shitty. Which, I have to admit, makes it a whole lot more fun to pick on them, but does nothing to further their cause for raising awareness on any issue.

I do hope that people will learn that all it takes is a quick message, asking for permission to share their links. There are some people with enough common sense out there to understand that that’s all it takes, we do like to help people promote themselves, and their causes. However,  jumping on our friends list just because there are almost 5,000 people on it for you to spam speaks of really bad behavior.

Test 2

Excuse me, I’ve lost mine, may I borrow your testicles?


Has anyone seen my testicles?

Fluffy Hell

I happened to complain about being added to a ‘Wiccan’ group on FB without any prior knowledge of the group and without my consent. One of those settings that I really dislike about FB. To be left out of groups that I have no interest in belonging to. Moments after posting my ‘Quit It!’ status, […]

Ethical Eating?

This week ‘Pagan Blog Prompts’ question was: “Ethical Eating; How does your faith guide you in how you buy and eat food? Do your beliefs even have anything to do with how you eat?”
Now it got me to thinking about the topic, and I don’t think that many people actually spend any considerable amount of time thinking about this subject, unless they’ve made a conscious decision to be vegetarian or vegan, etc. I know that it’s not a topic that I don’t give much thought.

It’s an integral part of our day to day lives that is just getting glossed over. We eat when we’re hungry, sometimes even when we’re not, and then move on and go about our business. Not much thought about the food, where it came from, etc. We’re missing a part of that ‘inter-connectedness’ that is such a popular theory to throw around in the pagan/neo pagan setting, but when it comes right down to practical application, how many of us think about it as it applies to our food?

I’ll admit, I’m a city kid. Once the hunting and gathering is done, (at the grocery store) and my cupboards are full, that’s pretty much the end of the thought process about the food. Then of course, there is the ‘What do I feel like making for dinner’ train of thought that happens nightly. I know, I suck. But, I think I’m the average, I’m the norm. If you don’t work on a farm, or hunt your own food, I doubt that you put a whole lot of thought into the matter either. Instead of focusing on the ‘We Fail’ I think it’s a good time to take initiative and make a change. Give some conscious thought to where our food is coming from.

So, how does my faith guide what I buy and how I eat it? It doesn’t, it never really has. However, I am aware that ‘Food/Nourishment’ is one of the core foundations of Shinto, as such it is important and I need to make an effort to be more aware of that fact. Here’s something that I ran across on the Shinto group that I belong to.

Itadakimasu–the most important Shinto prayer

“Everything in Nature is born, matures and perishes—everything has a beginning and an end. To live and grow as the healthy child of Okami we digest well, we are sustained by divine cosmic vitality through the sacred act of eating.

Sometimes people confuse spirituality with the learning of esoteric techniques…..I think we can see more regarding spirituality more simply, via someone’s relationship other people and with food.

Being alive and being present is easily seen by relation to food– that which we receive from Divine Nature that directly connects us to the Sun, to the Seasons and to Daishizen no Meguri- the ceaseless movements of Divine Nature/ Kannagara.”

I think I’m going to print that little bit of information out, and tape it to the wall in the kitchen so that when I’m preparing the families meals I’m reminded of my place in nature, and the universe. Something that people in general might need to give a bit more attention.


California, where freedom abounds!

Now, honestly I think that the title is interesting enough to post as is, without a blog. Seriously, we should just print it on a t-shirt and go one about our business. Alas, that would be considered lazy, besides, then you’d never know just where the quote actually came from. I suppose it’s time to […]

another wtf moment.

Not sure quite what to say next…   Random Facebook Member: Well thanks for adding me I am a vampire but pagan witchcraft helps us alot Pagan Mystics: Out of curiosity, I have to ask, How? Random Facebook Member: Well we use the rituals pagans for praising and thanking the elements. But mostly we use it just to […]


Sometimes there’s really nothing left to do but sit, stare blindly at the computer screen, jaw hanging out, trying to make sense of the message that randomly appeared in your inbox… Random Face Book User: please god mother help me someone is trying to kill me ,this guy came to my house fight me and destroy […]

Drive By Insults

So, last night we were discussing the topic, ‘When is it ok (if ever) to interfere in the will/destiny of another person?’ There were some interesting responses to the thread, of course, someone had to wander in and pull the ‘Karma’ card.   Flufferina: ‘that is never ok, unless you enjoy bad karma…bending or going […]

Fucktard Invasion

I’ve mentioned it before, but, when you’re running a website, you’re never sure what kind of complaint you’re going to hear next. Anything from Mable is picking on me, to I can’t figure out how to change my email, etc. Problems arise, and you try to deal with them to the best of your ability. […]