
Lately its been a drag and drain on the energy surrounding me. Usually when things gets really crazy, I go and sit out at my favorite place. Know the kind I mean..the place where you walk with bare feet and feel the connection with mother earth and one with the universe? I have such a place near by. It is the Shiloh national battlefield. I know some might think that a civil war battlefield might be a strange place to go and find center, but for me, it speaks to my spirit like very few places. I love to go and walk though the cemetery, just feeling the soft energy flow and wander through to the water’s edge. I know the history of the Union boats coming up the waterway and the huge battles that ensued upon their landing, but water has always called me and the serene scene that surrounds me there blows the cobwebs out of my head, allowing me to pull inside and shift things to breathe a little easier. One of my other favorite place to go there is under the cherry trees in the orchard a couple miles down the road within the park, It is said that in the battle, the cherry blossoms flew like snow as they were tugged from their branches amidst the volley of musket balls.Now as one sits under the shade of the trees, and smell their sweet blooms, it is hard to imagine something so harsh as war. I can feel the soulful energy of the spirits who lost their lives their and their sense of sadness at the loss of life. But then too, in the renewal and growth of the trees is the promise of new life and renewal ..and that is why I am here. To renew spirit, recharge my batteries so to speak so that I can once again get back to the work I am supposed to be doing. We all need sanctuary..that place where we can just brush off the daily grind and energy dust from others. One cant help but collect some of it as we go through our daily routines..its almost inevitable, but we dont have to keep it. Sometimes when we deal with things daily, like chronic illnesses, family issues, etc, it can bog us down. So when you feel like things are too much..go and seek out your place to just let go…recenter, recharge then get back to work :)