Art Rosmerta and other crafts

So, we’re in the process of moving which cuts into my blogging time, lame, but I have some very cool announcements to make in the coming week and look out for updates.  One of the announcements is that after many requests from dear friends who take time out of their days to check this blog, Andrew and I have decided we will take our Morrighan and Rosmerta devotionals in to be made into prints, which we plan on selling.  As some of you know, I’m weird about charging money for my crafts but the prints took so much time and turned out so freaking cool that we decided to sell them on an Etsy shop in print form in a month or so.  Along with the prints will be some sets of sigils, symbols and runes made from madrona or pear-wood and some other neat stuff.

To continue reading, see the original post at “Art Rosmerta and other crafts“.