A trio of quick and intense dreams. A battlemage saves the day and is chewed out by the commander for doing so. A pair of chieftains finds out that arbitration hurts. Lions meet on the field of battle and subterfuge is afoot.
1,501 words.
A trio of quick and intense dreams. A battlemage saves the day and is chewed out by the commander for doing so. A pair of chieftains finds out that arbitration hurts. Lions meet on the field of battle and subterfuge is afoot.
1,501 words.
Weaver has an ordinary dream of an ordinary day. Until the weasels hid in her flowerpots and the lions came looking for them. Now Snake is pissed and Weaver is in need of beer. And more sleep.
3,072 words.
Weaver gets notice her stay of activities is over. Once more unto the breach!
272 words.
Weaver returns to the surface with nothing to visually show for the experience. She takes 289 words to say “Got nuttin’.”.
Weaver goes exploring and is felled by something worse than a mere infection. Mxtl and Tliltic Ocelotl purge the source. Someone is going to get good eats.
1,964 words.
Keri is given a lost crucifix and makes a new rosary for it. Now comes the hard part: Finding a new home for it.
808 words and 4 images.
Weaver is challenged about the making of the rosary. Weaver pushes back. In the end, she admits the relic is nudging her, and gives her reasons for making the rosary anyway.
400 words.
What rosary? There will be a full post tomorrow about it. If you are brave and/or impatient, you can wander through my Tumblr to find out.
Bear starts to tell Weaver a story. Weaver interrupts claiming it’s not true. Bear puts Weaver in check.
388 words.
Weaver enters into an agreement and incurs a debt. To pay it off, she is given a tattoo parlor to run.
1,466 words.
Weaver is greeted by a masked person. Sabers are politely rattled. Peace is kept.
390 words