Picking up where part 1 left off…
The Golden Eagle (Iolar Firean) – the golden eagle is one of the two types of eagle that were native to Ireland before(…)
Category Archives: Random pagan and recon. ramblings
book review – the CR FAQ
Today’s book review will focus on the single most recommended book for Celtic recons, the CR FAQ. This really is one of those “must read” books for anyone interested in Celtic recon, and is the product of the collaborative efforts of some of the founding members(…)
Miscellaneous Reflections
This week has been one of those weeks, the kind that is simultaneously excellent and horrible, the kind that almost forces me into deep reflections on life that are both painful and freeing. Looking back over the last week I am left with some good insights but(…)
Faeries – on the New Normal
I’m very excited to say that tonight I will be on the blog radio show the New Normal tonight discussing Faeries. I met Tchipikkan at the first Changing Times, Changing Worlds conference(…)
Belief and Practice
There seems to be a pervasive, underlying dualism in paganism which can be seen in the various either/or arguments that go around. Either religion or spirituality. Either modern or traditional. And at the moment, either belief or practice. It should come as no(…)
Rune of the Month: Kenaz
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Kenaz |
This month we will be looking at Kenaz, Kaun, or Cen. It is represented by the letter “K” in English, although it is also sometimes compared to the letter “C”, which its shape resembles. Like many ancient alphabets the Futhark has a K which would be equivelant to a hard C, or an S which would be used for a soft C, but no single letter C. Kenaz is the sixth rune of the first aett and dovetails nicely with the last rune we discussed, which in many ways is it’s opposite.
The rune poems take a wide veiw of the meaning of this rune. In the Anglo-Saxon Kenaz is compared to a torch whose bright light illuminates indoors where noble people rest.
Anglo-Saxon: “The torch is known to every living man by its pale, bright flame;
it always burns where princes sit within”
In contrast the Norwegian and Icelandic both compare it to illnesses <possibly interpreted as fevers> which are fatal to children.
Icelandic: “disease fatal to children; and painful spot; and abode of mortification”
Norwegian: “Ulcer is fatal to children; death makes a corpse pale”
Almost all of the modern meanings for Kenaz are derived from the Anglo-Saxon with little emphasis put on the other two. It is generally agreed that the meaning for this rune is strongly connected to the torch lighting the way. It can be seen as ine guidance or inspiration, hope in any situation as well as the ability to see the source of a problem. At it’s most basic it is fire, the fire of initiation, transformation, transmutation, but also the forest fire and fire as it consumes and destroys. It is the fire of the forge which allows us to shape and change our reality. Some runesters connect this rune to sexuality as well. On the negative side it can represent illness as well as a fear of moving forward or leaving the safety of the present situation.
When Kenaz comes up in ination it can represent the need to trust in the guiding light of spirit. It tells us that we are in a position to be lead through our present darkness if we follow the light within us. It can also be an indication that we need to express ourselves creatively, to release the fire within us. It appears to tell us that we are in a position of transformation and renewal. Sometimes it will show up to indicate a need for control, or as a warning of impending illness. I have had it come up in readings as a warning to be careful around health issues and to prepare for possible health challenges.
Kenaz can be used in spells to help call on the ine light for guidance as well as in charms for inspiration or to enhance creativity. As a fire rune it works especailly well when carved on candles for candle spell, or for adding the intense energy of fire to a spell. For healing purposes it could be used for someone who is hypothermic or severely chilled, but should be carefully monitored and removed as soon as it has accomplished the goal, lest it go too far and create the opposite problem for the person. It can also be used in cursing, as can thurisaz, when its destructive side is unleashed on a person. This rune more than most requires care when used; like any fire it must be controlled and directed or it can easily assume a life of its own.
As with the previous runes, doing a meditation technique were you travel into the rune is a good way to learn the energy of Kenaz. The addition of a candle during meditation can also help get you in tune with this energy. As always its a good idea to write down your expereinces in a journal.
Next month’s rune: Gebo
rune poem translations from http://www.ragweedforge.com/poems.html
Paxson, D, Taking Up the Runes
Aswynn, F., Northern Mysteries and Magic
Artio, Germano-Celtic Bear Goddess
Sometimes the deities we feel drawn to worship are fairly well known in mythology or can easily be read about in secondary sources material, but other times we are drawn to deities that are obscure. This is the case with one of the main deities I work with, a Germano-Celtic(…)
Connecting to my Ancestors
I do not know exactly how long I have been honoring my ancestors, although I do know that I began doing so long before I was associating with any groups or formal religions that encourage it; I would guess probably since around the mid 90’s. Of course now I know that many(…)
So I have renamed the blog and given it a new look. My goal in overhauling and renaming the blog is to make the content more balanced and more reflective of my life, as oppossed to my research (I’ll still include that too of course). I feel like the blog has become,(…)
Irish Bird Omens – part 1
Ornithomancy, or taking omens from birds, has long been practiced by many cultures including the Celts. The lore and meanings associated with these omens have survived in modern cultural folklore surrounding birds, although it should be noted that such folklore is a living(…)