Category Archives: Irish Thoughts and Musings

A Call for Submissions

I have two calls of submission for you today.

The first one is for a book called An Leabhar Urnaí. Submission doors close January 31, 2016. Target publication date March 2016.

This second one is for the next issue of Air n-Aithesc. Submission doors close December 31, 2015. Publication date February 2016.
My hope is that you guys will be interested in submitting for both!

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A Call for Submissions

I have two calls of submission for you today. The first one is for a book called An Leabhar Urnaí. This second one is for the next issue of Air n-Aithesc.

My hope is that you guys will be interested in submitting for both! Details can be found by clicking the link below.

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Air n-Aithesc Volume II Issue II

Happy Lughnasadh every one!
Air n-Aithesc Volume II Issue II

Air n-Aithesc:Air n-Aithesc Volume II Issue II

Volume II Issue II of Air n-Aithesc

Find out more on MagCloud

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Of Recommended Reading Lists – The Long Version

Previously I’d given a short recommended reading list, this one is a bit more comprehensive with a few more books added but it is still a very short list compared to what is out there. However, by the time you finish reading these books you will have a good foundation on which you may start to build your personal practice and finding new books to read on your own.

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Of Language Study (2): Old Irish

I’ve decided to brush up on my Old Irish…or rather study it all over again since I’m not just rusty, I’m totally a blank slate. Since I’m going on that adventure I thought I would share with you all the resources I am going to use to study. Maybe you’ll join me!

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Air n-Aithesc Imbolc/Bealtaine 2015

The Imbolc/Bealtaine 2015 issue of Air n-Aithesc is here!

In this issue there are two articles from Morgan Daimler, the first is about Bealtaine celebration in a family setting and the second is about the fairy folk. We have some awesome poetry by PSVL and an excellent article about Manannán by Finnchuill. Saigh Kym Lambert has an article in this issue on “Fénnidecht Rites of Passage“. I have two book reviews in this issue as well as my regular column “The Study” which deals with the 101 questions of the CR methodology and hopefully will later move on to more complex issues than that. Check out the Table of Contents below.

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Of Trance Work (UPG)

Trance work was a very hard concept for me to understand. My mind could never be quiet enough for me to go into trance. I wanted something that is close to what is said the Irish Filidh did to see visions. The early Irish filidh are said to have composed their poetry and had mantic visions through various techniques involving things like incubatory darkness, liminal times or places such as dusk and dawn or doorways, and the ingestion of raw substances such as the meat of sacrificed animals. (1) I decided to go with the incubatory darkness route in my own way.

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Early Christian Ireland – Introduction to the Sources

**First published in Volume I Issue I of Air n-Aithesc**

Title: Early Christian Ireland – Introduction to the Sources

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A ritual to dedicate the next year to studying Manannan Mac Lir (along side my Gods)

Purifying Self:

Dip your hand into water, touch your forehead and say: “May I be pure that I might cross through the sacred.”
Dip your hand again, touch your lips: “May I cross through the sacred that I may attain the holy.”
Dip your hand again, touch your heart and say: “May I attain the holy that I might be blessed in all things.”

Petition Ritual:

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My Beltaine ritual

This was a quiet ritual for me last night at home.

The Ritual:
What is needed: four candles (three for representing the gods, ancestors, and spirits, and one to represent the central or ‘hearth’ fire), offerings (bread, raw meat, and apples) a drinking vessel, a vessel to hold offerings (apple juice). Purifying water (I use rain water or spring water).

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