Category Archives: Amethyst’s Offerings

Hello darkness my old friend

I’ve always loved that song by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, Sounds of Silence. It’s always spoken to me and is a go to song when I get a little twisted. Today is such a day.   The news feeds on social media is full of crap (like that’s unusual), but the death of yet […]

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owning your word

Those who know me well know that one of my pet peeves is that people are honest. If  you give your word,I expect you to keep it. It’s simple right? I mean, that’s how I was raised… Unfortunately not everyone seems to have that same ethical barometer. Got a problem? Hey yeah! They’ll be there… […]

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just doing some reflecting

I’ve noticed a slight change in my attitude after my job change. Maybe because it’s not as cutthroat as the previous place of employment, or that the reminder if dealing with the public had made me temper my words. I even jokingly call myself “St Shae”! Whatever it is, I like that I no longer […]

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tea and sympathy? I think not

I was coming back from a trip and decided to stop in for some tea at a cafe I knew was near by. As I came in the door, the waitress Jill nodded at me and I made my way to a table in the back. It’s one I usually sit at when I’m here […]

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check yourself

I am such a bitch today. I know, people who know me think I’m one every day, but the ignorance has been rampant today and I have lost all patience. First there was the pissy attitude when something was pointed out to someone to help their cause(…)

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I get by with a little help from my friends. So the old song goes. That’s fine. I can get behind that. It’s when people want to sit on their ass and let it fall in their lap that bothers me. Today there was a post on social media. The post(…)

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an unexpected gift

“Ah Cher, where you been ma douce?” I smile hearing the familiar cadence in the speaker’s voice. It has been too long since I’ve come to visit just to speak with one who knows me better than I know myself.”Here and there”,I(…)

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masks removed (masques enleves’)

I make my way through familiar territory, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells that make me feel like I’m home. It fills me with peace and a small smile plays around my lips as I think of my destination. As I reach my turn on the road and head(…)

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respect, an uncommon commodity

Ever notice how respect kind of seems one sided? We see it everyday in the news. We interact with others and while we may not agree with them whether it be their beliefs, their personal lives, we generally are respectful enough not to voice our feelings(…)

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Alice had more sense

Have you ever just looked and listened to people sometimes and wondered just what rabbit hole they’ve been residing in? It’s been happening to me quite often as of late. Frankly is giving me a headache and an unquenchable desire to snark or slap them(…)

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