Author Archives: Chance Samedi

Tossing out the dross

I told y’all that I’ve been doing a lot of searching as of late. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time to cull all that does not benefit me. That includes people as well as elements of the path I walk.   It’s like going through closets.(…)

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No validation Necessary

I’ve been in a real funk lately. I’ve been through this before. If asked,, (I wasn’t) my stock answer is that I’m fine. Fine is that all encompassing word that says I refuse to give you the ammunition to pile on.   What bothers me quite a bit,(…)

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Time waits for no witch

The journey wasn’t long if one didn’t count the first leg of the swamp. As I traveled I let my mind wander on the problems at hand. They seem insurmountable in the mundane. Others perspective might not think so but I guess it’s always been so. All(…)

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Instruction of the charge begins

~CRASH!!!!!!~ I bolt upright in bed. Seeing the cause of the noise, I yell. “CHARLIE! For the love of Elphalba what the fuck are you doing? You are going to wake the house not to mention unsettle the dead”.Charlie looks up from the mess on the floor.(…)

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Reverbs from the week of hell

You know..sometimes the events of the week can almost certainly have a resounding reverberation that carries on throughout the weekend.It feels like to me, that this is where I am at. BONG! BONG! BONG! The reverb echoes in my head. The stupidity of the(…)

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Full Tilt

One would think I could at least get a little light from the moon I mutter to myself as I walk down the dark road.  Not even a damn street light. “That’s never bothered you before” comes a voice from the shadows. I roll my eyes and retort that(…)

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Searching for the answers

We all have moments when we have to stop to catch our breath and take stock of where and who we are. It can  be as simple as tweaking a few things, or it can be a major overhaul. I’m having days when I want to just sit myself in a corner and hide out(…)

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Be Who You Are

Be who you are.  It’s been a refrain moving through my head all damn day. Like an earworm you can’t unplug, the sound keeps getting louder and louder.  Nice thought. Unless one has no fucking clue just exactly who that is. I have a basic idea of(…)

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Reflections, reflections, what do we see?

“Mirrors are perpetually deceitful. They lie and steal your true self. They reveal only what your mind believes it sees” ― Dee Remy, There Once Was A Boy I think it it’s the one looking into the mirror that is deceitful actually. Mirrors are(…)

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Removing the dross

I smile as I see the buttercups in the yard waving their perfect blooms as if spring is already here.  The warmth as of late belies the fact that the calendar says there are several more weeks until it’s official. It’s one of my favorite seasons..all(…)

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