Author Archives: Kerian Nox

The Sunflowers Sing To Me

She sang a song of life and living, of love and loving, of strife and striving, of victory and conquering. She sang of the sweetness of her flesh, of her soul, with the abandon that comes with surrendering both to the flames. Her song woke in me a longing, an aching, a yearning, that I … Continue reading

Desert Blood & Cold Fits

My first awareness is the sharp press of cracked pebbles pushed into my face. I move my arms in vain and random movement and scratch my hands against the rough dirt. Lifting my head free of the dry ground, the pebbles wound me anew as I grimace. The facial movement nudges them free from my pocked face and they fall back to the ground.

Once more into the salt flats, I think to myself. But as I get up to my knees, I note the complete absence of the scent of salt. No, this isn’t there, but it’s just as dry. I look around carefully, trying to orientate myself.

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A Lesson on Action

“What are you doing?” The Child’s voice was full of the echoes of many questions as she stood before the seated Elder. “Why are you just sitting there? Is it nap time for grown ups? Why are you sleeping under the tree? Shouldn’t you be in bed, instead?” Child’s words had started to come faster after each other. Elder opened her eyes slowly, catching Child’s attention and stemming the flow, for now.

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Grey and White

Comfortably sleeping, yet I wasn’t actively dreaming. But I was aware. So I had the physical sensations of being warmly snuggled in bed, accompanied with the surrounding indistinct grey fog of dreamworld nothingness.

I felt the presence before I saw it. It was familiar in that I had encountered this before. But I knew it was not a normal dream resident. I turned over to face the presence but saw only the homogenous grey of dreaming.

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A Dream of Riddles

This was originally posted on my tumblr:Three More Ways as a dream snip, yesterday. But the more I turned it over in my head, the more I felt it was of more import than I had originally given it. This morning, after a dreamless night, I found I still remembered the details of the dream. And so, I present, a Dream of Riddles.

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Where Keri flips 413 words for the Sunday Scribbling prompt: “Possible”.

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Red and White

Most of the night was dreamless. The wind howled like mad outside much to my delight. All was resting. My alarm went off for me to turn the heat on. I did so, then went back to bed. I fell back asleep immediately and opened my dream eyes to the sight of two… people… arriving in my room. The thin white & grey fellow was struggling with two large, white duffle bags. One bag looked twice his size, yet he was able to drag two with him.

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Where Keri muses for 116 words on what makes a tribe.

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Normal is a setting on the dryer. A choice for shampoo and facewash. An arbitrary selection of attributes chosen for the same reason One Size Fits All.

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A Meeting Of Fellows

… The door handle rattles. A shadow dominates just without the entrance. More rattling of the handle, with a barely gentle push on the locked door. The rattle ceases. Above the handle, the lock glows with a sudden red scribble of light.

The door opens.

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