At the Shrine of the Bee Queen

The Bee Queen is a sacred spirit who embodies the magic of the bees during their active months of the summer. She rises with her children, unfurling her wings and crawling from her great flower, the first of spring.  She whispers and hums a song to the winds and her children rise; the bees of every type and all their kin.  She is the energy that bees run on; creating sweet honey, divine propolis, creamy wax and honeycombs.

She guides her children  who move between the Otherworld, the Summerlands and our material world, carrying secrets and messages from between the crossroads.  They hum their gossip all summer long and listen to our woes at the grave, where sweet flowers lull and the air is sleepy and quiet.  As a blessing to man, the bees are guides of love and romance, of the power of the divine feminine and the yearning heart.  Among their blessings are their business relationship with man, who loves his mead!  The Bee Queen is honored from spring until the end of summer.